ReckenEcke - Abenteurers Grundbedarf
--- english see below ---
Die ReckenEcke ist ein Spieleladen in Dresden-Neustadt, Fachgeschäft für Brett- und Kartenspiele, Pen&Paper Rollenspiel und Tabletop. In unseren regelmäßigen Veranstaltungen stellen wir neue sowie etablierte Spiele vor und bieten Magic- oder Tabletop-Spielern einen Rahmen für regelmäßige Treffen zum Spielen. Ebenso bieten wir mehrmals pro Monat eine Spielrunde für alle, die gerne mal in das Pen&Paper Rollenspiel reinschnuppern wollen.
Wir bieten auch separate Veranstaltungsräume mit Gewölbekeller, die wir gerne vermieten.
"März 2025:Rollenspieltage
April 2025: Dracheneiersuche"
Es gelten folgende Öffnungszeiten
Di 12:00 - 20:00, Mi - Do 12:00 - 18:00, Fr 12:00 - 22:00, Sa 10: 00 - 16:00
Wir haben für euch einen Discord Server eingerichtet.
Für Pen & Paper RPG, Magic und Tabletop "treffen" wir uns auf dem Discord Server der ReckenEcke: Ihr könnt online spielen und euch per Chat oder Voice vernetzen.
Neben den angegebenen Öffnungszeiten ist Spielen und Shoppen in der ReckenEcke auch während der Veranstaltungen bis 22:00 möglich. Das betrifft vor allem Freitage (FridayNightMagic). Das Monatsprogramm gibt Auskunft, wann was spielt.
English description
ReckenEcke (best translated by "Knights'Site", not "Triangle Corner" or "Stretching Corner" as sometimes proposed by google translator) is a small game store in Dresden-Neustadt. We offer a huge variety of different pen&paper roleplay systems including source books, adventures, add-ons and other accessories, also quite a few in English.
Board games build the second segment of the range of ReckenEcke. We focus especially on those with interesting background stories and unique gaming mechanisms - disregarding the popularity of a game. Although we have the classics in stock, our shop is the right place if you're looking for specialist games, something out of the ordinary. You want a game that plays well with a certain number of people, with a good portion of strategy and interaction? You wonder if there is something similar to your favorite game with some modifications? Our friendly, competent (and English speaking) staff can help you to find certain games and explain the rules. Most games also come with English rule books, for the rest you usually find English translations on the web.
We offer a variety of miniature tabletop games including the products of Games Workshop but also skirmish systems like Warmachine/Hordes, Freebooter's Fate, Infinity, Saga, Bolt Action, X-Wing, Star Wars Legion, Dead Man's Hand, Blood Bowl, Godslayer and others. Regular meetings of fans open the opportunity to duel, discuss strategies or get painting suggestions. Of course the basic needs such as colors, brushes, glue etc. are available.
Last, but not least, players of trading card games will find the recent releases of Magic: The Gathering. We organize regular booster drafts, tournaments or other MTG events.
You can find us in the upper part of Martin-Luther-Strasse on your way from Pfund's Molkerei (the nicest dairy in the world, see Guiness Book of world records) along the Martin Luther Church to the "Kunsthofpassage" (a backyard of small stores with unique products, surrounded by designer-fronts).